
Original Music

music for media


Original Music

music for media

original music

original Music used for Artist Spotlight of Anthony R Bass

Battle/action video game music Reel for the game rise up (unreleased)

Video game music reel for the game Lindew (Unreleased)

Winner of Detroit 48 Hour Film Project Best Musical Score 2021 for Single White Sheetcake (this film was written, shot, scored, and edited in 48 hours)

Film score for the short film LADYLIKE, directed by Michael Rizzo. Score by Joe Garofalo

original score, edit, and mix for a reading of the book Musicophilia by Oliver Sacks

Sample of some feel good acoustic style tracks

rescored trailer for The Floor Is Jelly

A re-score of a trailer for the game "The Floor Is Jelly". Song Titled "A Moment of Clarity" Available to stream at soundcloud.com/joegarofalomusic **THIS TRAILER IS NOT MY PROPERTY. I HAVE SIMPLY RE-SCORED THE MUSIC AS A PERSONAL PROJECT. THE ORIGINAL COMPOSER FOR THE MUSIC OF THE TRAILER WAS DISASTERPEACE.